Pre Semester Professional Development Opportunity for B Track

Pre Semester Professional Development Opportunity for B Track
10/17/2008, 8:00 AM 3:00 PM
Instructional Support Center AKA Penthouse

SUBJECT: Professional Development Opportunity - Oct 13-17

Hello, B-Trackers!

This is a formal invitation to participate in a five day paid professional collaboration institute at LAHS, put on by teachers at LAHS!

SBM and UTLA pushed for and were successful in putting into our Single School Plan a paid five-day professional collaboration institute that reflects the desires of teachers to work together and the needs of our school and students for that to happen. C-Track had an amazing experience in June, A track had it in August, and B track will have the same opportunity. The Pre-Mester A-Track Institute will be October 13-17th, 2008.

The idea behind this is to give teachers paid time to collaborate on their teaching, in departments and in SLCs, as well as to give coherent time to Special Education and ESL in order to interface with departments and SLCs and work on inclusion/least restrictive environment. Teachers will be the ones planning the agenda and implementing it (and getting paid x-time to participate (this is the 10thly rate a.k.a z-time). While you it is not required that you attend every day in order to participate, please consider consecutive days as this assists your ability to collaborate. This is an amazing opportunity for us to make amazing things happen!

While the content will, of course, be modified depending on your department and SLC, below is a basic outline.

Thanks and hope you can make it!!!
- Rebecca Solomon
LAHS UTLA Chapter Chair
SBM Co-President

Basic Agenda of a Five Day Professional Collaboration Institute (8AM to 3PM in the Penthouse):

Day 1 and 2: Meet by Departments – give folks an opportunities to reflect on lessons, Pearson work, the semester, data, assessments, and then look to the next semester by examining standards, developing thematic units, and/or coming up with cross-grade projects.

Day 3: half day with Special Education and half day with ESL; discussion of differentiated instruction and full inclusion and how this looks in a mainstream, non-special ed classroom.

Day 4 and 5: Meet by SLCs – opportunities to identify critical areas of work and need of the SLC and then focus on developing plans and organization to move forward on them.

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