Safe School Inspection
- What
- Safe School Inspection
- When
- 7/15/2008
- Where
- LA High School See Mr Craft or Mr McBride tel 2746 for details
On Tuesday July 15th Angeles High will be inspected by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety Division of the Los Angeles Unified School District.
It is imperative that all safety hazards are corrected prior to the visit. If not corrected they should at least be identified, documented and reported to the Plant Manager Mr. McBride.
Some things that may need to be corrected in your classroom prior to the visit are:
1. Boxes, etc. on top of file cabinets need to be removed immediately.
2. Anything blocking doors need to be removed so they are not preventing anyone from entering and exiting the door.
3. All appliances such as microwaves and heaters need to be put away.
4. Any cords that someone could trip over should be covered.
5. Any hazardous materials, such as cleaning supplies, must be removed.
6. Speaker boxes for the PA system and alarm boxes must not be covered or impaired for any reason.
Again if there is a safety hazard in your room and it cannot be corrected prior to the visit it needs to be documented and reported to Mr. McBride. If it is reported it will not cause the school to receive an infraction.