RIP Alan Portillo :( u were only 19... :(
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Alan u were such an amazing guy! u were funny, nice, dope! u always had a smile on ur face and u were always laughing and making jokes.. I remember the day when i found out u were no longer with us.. i was in shock! i couldnt believe it.i didnt want to believe it..i was in denial..i was telling myself no no its not true.. its not alan..its a joke..right?? but then everyone knew about it and i realized it was wasnt a lie or a joke.. but i still didnt want to believe it. Then going to ur house to see ur family was so tough! Seeing them so so so crushed.. crying their eyes out. They lost their beloved son/brother/friend! Going to ur funeral this past wednesday, the 23rd seeing u laying there in the cascet, it looked like if u were sleeping and i wish u were sleeping and in my head i was wishing u would wake up and say hi to me and greet me with that big alan smile of yours! :( seeing all the people who love u there to say one last goodbye to u! we were all crushed, crying, it was so emotional.. considering that was my very first funeral it was wow idk i dont even know how to describe it but just really sad!watching u getting buried and not ever going to be able to u see again, its not fair! u werent supposed to leave us.. :( but i know ur in a better place now.. where no one can harm u! RIP ALAN! WE LOVE U AND MISS U!!! U WILL ALWAYS BE IN OUR MEMORIES AND IN OUR HEARTS!
Alan Wellman Portillo
Alan Wellman Portillo