Real LA High » My experiences of l.a. high... :D

My experiences of l.a. high... :D

Sender Rose
Posted On 2008-02-01
Year too many things :D
Memoir well ive been in this school since my freshmen year,im in band and known as the tuba chick so im easy to find because im that one girl that plays that really big instrument in band and is crazy beyond all reason.well i have plenty of experiences from band,class,and other things.well to me the best teachers there are in this school are mr.llanes and mr.moy,they know what its like being a kid and act as one themselves,no one can compare to them or replace them,mr.llanes is a cool friend of mine,i dont take him as a teacher,hes more like a mentor :D.he teached me the skill of wood where i have the power to make anything i want out of wood even if i feelsorry for the trees,but its like paper towels,they have been made already,not using them will not save those trees,cutting the next ones in line will.well i have had crazy experiences in band,that is where i met a guy named francisco but most of you know him as "paco".he's a guy who to all girls is hot,fancy,cute,and so on,to me he was my gift and i became his guardian angel for he was different.him and me met arguing and didnt even say good bye but all thos crazy things we shared in band and class remain not only in my mind but my friends' also who used to laugh at that wierd pair of tuba players,those were the me he was a guy which no one understood,he was different with me,and even if i dont know what the hell hes doing with his life besides being a tuba person like me,he will always be in my heart,i also met a person named jenny which most know as "jmo",when i was in band camp she was the first person to talk to me and baptised me as "beatle",she's special to me and no one mess with her!!!!and then the other special person i knew but didnt really talk to until we went to school here is a guy named leo.he plays the tuba like me(but im the best one..ha ha ha:D)hes like my baby brother,i love him with all my heart and who said guys as your best friend cant work out,well it does.hes my best friend and my bro to me and his girl well lets just say we have great thoughts so its like we connected upon greeting!!!!hi isis!!!the best thing people say is here is is but its not about the championships,its about all those kids who together makethose formations possible because one alone cannot,being in that room which most fear to go into(dont worry i understand you,i feared it at one time too)is where you have what you call your home away from home,even if im the different one here,sort of like the black sheep i feel accepted and loved my most.things i regret about l.a. high is how guys aren't really attractive here,the ones in belmont are better metalhead and rockerwise.its funny how we make mistakes and pay for them later,ive made some here,lots of them and well band used to be one of them but when you step on that turf field(not ours of course)and see those faces looking to you,thats when you know these are the best years of your life!!!!i want to be rememebred not formy mistakes or wierd for that girl who did things even someguys couldntlike play the tuba,make great stuff out of wood,and be the girl who didnt need classes to know what education meant,all you need are those good test scores which honestly i dont know where i learned most stuff because i dont pay attention in class but my test scores are immense and oddly enough so is my I.Q....which is 124 in most tests ive taken,these questions are what puzzle me and if there is some being out there who can help me with this,please do,because a mind cannot help itself,only others.

Signing off,

The Hippie Tuba Chick :D

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