Real LA High » in loving memory of JAMEIL SHAW

in loving memory of JAMEIL SHAW

Sender Blanca Ramos
Posted On 2008-03-05
Year 2008
Memoir hello there LA ROMANS...

i am here sitting home watchin one of my friend being put through television....i would like to say that no matter wher he is...i will always remember him!!!!

we all love you sham!!!

well i hope anyone who reads this has some curtesy of takin a moment of silence, and respect him...his family and all of his friends will remember him no matter what.....he will be remembered no matter what.... SHAM'S family YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!!!!

if anyhting, i would like to attend his funeral!!

have any questions...please call me:213-663-9256

WITH LOVE Blanca Ramos

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