Real LA High » they picked on me so much!

they picked on me so much!

Sender candid! aka DUST ruiz
Posted On 2008-04-14
Year 2004-2008
Memoir i remember when at lunch my "friends" would always pick on time i wore some Kobe shoes and they clowned on me for weeks..they said that they were astronaut shoes...i also had a Pro5 sweater that was made out of fur..that was another week of Michael Jordan Sweater too!! it was so dusty even MJ had a stain on his jersey...i had the worst lineup ever..i had a ponytail to go along with it..everytime i walked to the spot at lunch "the homies" would scream CANDUSTY!!!!and start laughing at me...12th grade i kicked it in the 3rd floor as far away as possible from those guys...hopefully i get better looking when im 20

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