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Los Angeles High School Office of Attendance and Enrollment
How to Enroll at LA High School
Students new to the area and are looking to enroll at LA High School will need to visit the attendance office. The following document will be needed for enrollment:
1. Proof of Age (Birth Certificate or Passport)
2. Proof of Address (Current utility bill-gas, water, or power-or a rental agreement. Telephone bills or a driver's license will not be accepted as "Proof of Address."
3. Immunization Record
4. Transfer (PAR) and Transcripts. (PARs are given at the last school of attendance. Checkout grades are required for appropriate placement.)
5. ID20 (For incoming middle school students from other LAUSD schools only.)
6. Parent/Legal Guardian Identification
7. IEP or 504 Plan (If applicable, must bring copy of current plan.)
The enrollment process can not be completed if any of the documents mentioned above are missing.
Information about Fall Registration will be posted in June. The application for enrollment in LA High’s Math/Science Magnet is found in the LAUSD Choices Catalog available in December.
Do you want to Enroll at LAHS?
Please take a form. Usually, only the parent or legal guardian may enroll a new student.
Enrollments are normally processed between 7:30 AM and 2:00 PM.
The parent or legal guardian must accompany the student to enroll and present a picture ID and proof of residency —typically, a utility bill.
In addition, the student should have transfer papers from the last school attended.

Do you want to Checkout of LAHS?
Please take and fill out a form. Checkouts are usually processed between 7:30 AM and 2:00 PM. The parent or legal guardian must authorize a student’s withdrawal from our school. Students who are checking out should come with their ID card and have all their textbooks ready to turn in and if needed, clearance from the Deans’ Office.

Parents who want an early release of their child:
Please go to the Attendance Office and ask for and Early Release form. Have your photo ID ready. You must be on the student’s emergency card to pick up a student early. We will make every effort to contact the student as soon as possible. In other situations, school district policy restricts classroom interruptions the first 10 and last 10 minutes of a class period. Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated.

Parents who have a Message or Delivery for their child:
Only in an emergency situation are we able to relay deliveries or messages to students. If this is an emergency, please go to the Attendance Office. We will make every effort to contact the student as soon as possible. School district policy restricts classroom interruptions to the first 10 and last 10 minutes of a class period. Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated.

Student Attendance Questions?
We will be happy to check a student’s attendance record for you. Uncleared absences must be excused with a note from the parent or guardian, the doctor, or the court, or with a teacher’s attendance correction statement. Unexcused absences may be considered truancies. Your child's Counselor will be happy to print out an attendance report for you to review with your child and for your child to present to their teacher for corrections.

Law Enforcement or Social Worker?
Please proceed to the Attendance Office. Please have your picture ID badge out so that we may make a photocopy of it. We will make every effort to contact the student as soon as possible. School district policy restricts classroom interruptions, except in the case of emergencies, to the first 10 and last 10 minutes of a class period. Your understanding and patience are greatly appreciated. Los Angeles High School believes that success in school is dependent upon punctual, regular attendance.

Definition of being Tardy: A student who is not in his or her seat/workstation when the tardy bell rings. We believe tardiness has a direct correlation to poor student performance and is detrimental to the total learning environment.
The teaching staff will not allow students to stand in the doorways, but insist they enter the classroom. Teachers will discourage student from leaving class and missing instruction.  Under no circumstances should teachers give passes to students to make personal phone calls or go to the vending machines.  Students allowed to leave a classroom or office must carry official school hall passes and have a current I.D. card. A student out of class, for any reason, without a pass will be tardy or truant depending on the time out of class. Teachers are required to inform parents of four (4) or more tardies.
Tardy lockouts will be conducted randomly throughout the day. Teachers are to close their classroom doors after the tardy bell rings. Students should not be allowed in the classroom without a tardy pass during a sweep. Privileges to attend school activities may be suspended depending on number of tardies. Student athletes may be subject to suspension from participation in practices and games. Athletes who continue to defy the tardy/attendance policies may be removed from the team. Student privileges that may be withheld include: Homecoming dance, T.A. assignments, Prom, and Graduation participation. Any senior who has excessive tardies in any class at the end of the fall semester may be denied the privilege of senior prom and/or Graduation ceremony. Consistent student attendance and participation is directly linked to high academic achievement. The establishment of good work habits, attendance habits, and citizenship promotes effective development for each student. The goal of the Los Angeles High School Student Attendance Program is to implement a high quality, efficient system that reinforces excellent attendance ultimately increasing graduation and college acceptance rate. Our program will:

•    Improve daily attendance
•    Diminish and ultimately eliminate tardiness and absenteeism

All Working Together to Improve School/Student Attendance

Parents or guardians are responsible for sending their children to school daily and on time. As per Educational Code 48200, all students between the ages of 6 and 18 are subject to compulsory fulltime education and must attend school daily.

•    Maintain an academic rigorous and engaging school environment.
•    Promote and maintain a school culture of timeliness and consistent attendance.
•    Be available for conferencing.
•    Allocate resources to address attendance issues.
•    Implement and enforce attendance policy.
•    Organize tardy sweeps.

•    Take attendance promptly on ISIS within the first 15 minutes.
•    All teachers are to assist with uncleared absences.
•    Do not release student from the classroom during the first 10 or last 10 minutes of the period.
•    Keep students in class the entire period.
•    Keep anecdotal records.
•    Teachers are responsible for making the initial parent contact and implementing disciplinary actions for student absences and tardies.
•    Teachers should refer students with 6-10 absences and or tardies to counselor (use COST referral form).
•    Counselors are to refer student with 11+ absences and tardies to PSA counselor. (use COST referral form).
•    Admit tardy students. Mark such students tardy indicating in ISIS the time they entered the classroom.  
•    Provide hall monitoring between periods by standing at your doors during passing periods.
•    Any student sent out of class must have a Hall Pass that includes date, time, destination, student name, and teacher’s signature.

•    Follow expected school wide behaviors.
•    Be in your assigned seat and have materials on desk before the tardy bell rings.
•    If sent out of class or kept late by another teacher obtain pass from that teacher who kept you.
•    When absent from school, immediately bring a note to the Attendance Office to clear absences before 8:00 AM, or during nutrition, lunch and after school.
•    Students must carry school ID at all times for identification and safety purposes.
•    Seniors are allowed no more than 7 days absences per semester in order to attend PROM and GRADUATION. You also need to serve all your detention hours.
•    Be sure to serve all detention assigned to avoid Saturday Attendance Recovery Program.

Attendance Office
•    Send monthly letters home for students who have 3 or more days absences.
•    Send weekly Connect Ed messages home for habitual offenders.
•    Clear student absences.
•    Prepare monthly reports.

PSA Counselor
•    Follow up on teacher and counselor referrals AND work with students that have more than 10 consecutive days’ absences and 15 or more part day absences.
•    Conduct student and parent conferences.
•    Makes home visits.
•    Prepare student cases for SART/SARB process.
•    Works on the NO SHOW and Drop out report.

•    Follow up on teacher referrals.
•    Assigns daily attendance checks and review attendance contracts.
•    Conference with student with academic and attendance problems.
•    Make parent contact.
•    Assign consequences to students with 3 or more tardies to a class.
•    Set student attendance contract with student and parent.

•    Monthly Display Case Recognition
•    Semester Perfect Attendance certificates
•    Attendance Raffles & Assemblies

Catrisa Booker - Administrator
Evelyn Campos - Office Technician
Tel: (323) 900-2793