Roman Code of Conduct

Roman Values
We the students of Los Angeles High School, as Romans, are true to the values we uphold. We treat each other and ourselves with respect; we are dependable, following through on obligations; we are committed, faithful to a cause that is greater than ourselves; we are diligent citizens, engaging in service and our community; we share a caring spirit, demonstrating interest and concern; and we are open-minded, valuing the ideas of others; we engage in responsible social conduct that reflects credit upon the Roman community and model good citizenship in any community. We work with integrity to fulfill the mission of secondary education and strive for excellence while forever carrying the banner of LAHS.
Student Code of Conduct
The community of scholars at Los Angeles High School is dedicated to personal growth and academic excellence. By joining the community, each member agrees to comply with certain standards of civilized behavior; and therefore, Los Angeles High School adheres to LAUSD’s Student Code of Conduct, as outlined by the Parent Student Handbook.
Positive Behavior and Discipline Plan
The School-wide Positive Behavior and Discipline Plan details student expectations with a plan of action. Students all must attend a beginning of the year assembly.For further questions, please see the Dean. Plans are available for download to the right and explains the following:
  1. Introduction and Stakeholder Roles
  2. Discipline Referral Procedures
  3. Behavioral Expectations and School Rules
  4. Zero Tolerance Policy, Inappropriate School Items, Metal Detector Scanning and Locker Policy
  5. Sexual Harassment Policy, School Tardy Policy, Classroom Discipline Plan
  6. Los Angeles High Rules and Expectations Matrix
  7. Rewards and Incentives
  8. Dress Code